菅沼 伊万里
The Bambiest 主宰 芸術監督&振付家

卒業後、単身渡英し、Central St.Martins Art and Design Graphicコースで映像とイラストレーションを学ぶ。
2001年コンテンポラリーダンスカンパニー TheBambiestを発足し、London在住時から活動を始める。
宝塚歌劇団の振付や東コレにてTheatre Products などShow演出及び振付も手がけている。

Imari Suganuma / The Bambiest
The Bambiest choreographer and Art director

Thebambiest was set up in 2001 in London by Imari Suganuma, an art director & choreographer from Japan.
Learning modern dance since early childhood, her interest to contemporary dance grew.
She took Theatre & Dance course in College of Art, Nihon University in Japan to learn dance production and direction.
Her interest extended to dance video which makes it more accessible to people.
In order to study visual graphics, she moved to London and took BA Graphic course at Central St. Martins College of Art and Design.
The aim of our activity is to progress recognition and appreciation of contemporary dance by collaborating with other creators with in art categories such as fashion and graphic designers.
By using two different space theories, cinematic dance video and stage scene, under the same theme, Imari tries to explore new way of performance and to extend the possibility of dance video.